PHP is one of the most widely used scripting languages. It is exceptionally popular since it is free software, which you can use to build interactive sites such as community portals, e-commerce portals or school websites rather than static HTML websites. A PHP module should be available on the web server where a PHP site is hosted so that its code can be ‘decoded’. Because there are no license taxes for such a module and the language itself offers countless options for the web applications that you build, there’re hundreds of millions of PHP sites. Moreover, there are a multitude of open-source PHP-based scripts, which you can use for your websites without needing to possess any programming expertise. Given the fact that there’re a couple of PHP versions, you have to confirm if the same exact version that you used while creating your site is enabled on the server as well.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Web Hosting

With our web hosting plans, you’ll be able to choose which PHP version will be enabled for your web hosting account, as multiple versions are enabled on our servers. With only one click of the mouse, you’ll be able to switch between PHP 4, 5, 7 and whenever a new version is introduced in the future, we will include it in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel without removing the earlier ones. Thus, you will be able to host all the websites that you have developed throughout the years. In stark contrast to a lot of other web hosting vendors, we will not force you to update such websites, because a script may be outdated, but this doesn’t mean that it’s insecure since you may have implemented modifications to its code to fix security gaps. For your convenience’s sake, you will even be able to choose a different version of PHP for each single site that you host in your web hosting account.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated hosting plans support multiple versions of PHP, so you’ll be able to use all the apps that you’ve developed throughout the years. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with every single account, will enable you to enable the required version with one mouse click. You can pick between PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. In case you would like to host multiple sites in one single account and they have different requirements as concerns the web hosting environment, you’ll be able to pick a different PHP version for each and every one of them irrespective of which version has been selected for the account as a whole. This is possible thanks to our custom-built cloud platform, which permits us to run different PHP versions simultaneously. By contrast, the great majority of web hosting vendors typically offer one, maximum two versions.