InnoDB is a very popular database engine for the MySQL database management system. It is an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has got plenty of pluses which have made it the engine of choice for a lot of PHP script-driven apps, among them Joomla and Magento, which have switched to InnoDB permanently. For instance, importing immense volumes of data will be much faster with InnoDB, as it locks only one row to complete a given operation, not the entire database table, which makes the engine excellent for scalable applications. InnoDB also supports foreign keys and transactions – these refer to the way in which the data is tackled. In simpler words, importing new or editing existing data will either be thoroughly completed, or will be canceled and the operation will be rolled back if some problem appears in the meantime, therefore the content that remains in the database will not be lost.

InnoDB in Web Hosting

Every open-source script-based application that needs InnoDB will function flawlessly on our cutting-edge cloud web hosting platform and the MySQL storage engine comes with all our web hosting plans. Every time you create a database manually or our app installer tool creates one automatically and an app installation is initiated, the engine that the database will make use of will be selected based on the app’s requirements without having to edit any setting in your shared hosting account. InnoDB will be chosen automatically for any application that requires this particular engine and you will be able to take advantage of its full capacity. We will make daily backups of your content, so in case you unintentionally remove a database that’s important to you or you overwrite a specific part of it, we will be able to restore everything the way it was only several hours ago.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you set up a brand new MySQL database from the Control Panel coming with each of our semi-dedicated server accounts and you begin installing a script-driven web application either manually or using our 1-click application installer, the database storage engine will be selected automatically depending on the given app’s prerequisites. Since InnoDB is available on the cloud hosting platform where your new account will be set up, it will be set as the default engine for any application that requires it without any manual action needed on your end at any time. To avoid any chance of losing data if you update an application or if you erase a database by accident, we will make backups of all your MySQL databases each day, so if anything goes wrong, we can recover your data.

InnoDB in VPS Servers

All VPS plans that are ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel come with InnoDB already activated, so you will be able to use any script-powered application that requires the MySQL storage engine without needing to set up anything manually. You can choose Hepsia on the VPS configuration page and your brand new Virtual Private Server will be up and running within 60 minutes, so you can log in and start creating your websites straight away. When you set up a brand new MySQL database and start the app activation process, our system will pick the engine for that MySQL database automatically. Thus, you can install different apps at the same time without having to change anything on the server. You can set up a WordPress-powered personal blog that uses MyISAM – the default MySQL engine, and a Magento-powered e-commerce portal that uses the InnoDB engine, for instance.

InnoDB in Dedicated Servers

When you acquire a new dedicated server, you will be able to pick one of the three hosting Control Panels that we’re offering – cPanel, DirectAdmin and Hepsia. Any server ordered with Hepsia comes with InnoDB pre-installed, so you won’t need to add this MySQL storage engine manually so as to be able to manage open-source script-based web apps that need it. InnoDB is used for scalable applications and since a dedicated server will supply you with all the system resources that you need to run very large Internet sites, it is pretty likely that you will resort to InnoDB. You will be able to make use of other engines as well, so if a specific app requires MyISAM instead of InnoDB, you won’t encounter any difficulty while using it. The engine that will be used will be automatically recognized as soon as the app installation starts, so you won’t need to update any setting manually whatsoever.