A solid-state drive (SSD) enhances the performance of every app running on it in comparison with a common hard-disk drive (HDD). The reason is that an SSD uses many different interconnected flash memory modules, so there are no physical parts to move. In comparison, an HDD functions with spinning disks and each reading or writing process causes the disks to rotate, which means that the speed of an HDD is fixed. Since the cost of the two kinds of drives are different as well, lots of desktops and web servers are equipped with an SSD for the OS and various applications, and an HDD for data storage, thus balancing cost and effectiveness. An Internet hosting provider can also use a solid-state drive for caching purposes, so files which are used very often will be held on this type of a drive for achieving improved loading speeds and for minimizing the reading/writing processes on the HDDs.

SSD with Data Caching in Web Hosting

Our modern cloud web hosting platform uses only SSD drives, so if you purchase any of our web hosting solutions, you can take full advantage of the speed that these drives provide. We no longer use hard disk drives, so your files, databases and e-mails will all open from extremely fast SSDs. For even greater performance, we use caching SSDs. A group of drives are used by our system for every file that's accessed more regularly and the data on these drives is dynamically updated to ensure that all the traffic-intensive files load from them. That way, the load on the main drives is reduced, so we can guarantee perfect performance for all kinds of Internet sites irrespective of how often they are accessed and prevent a situation where some Internet sites are affected by too many reading and writing processes generated by others. This setup also increases the lifespan of the main drives and reduces the possibility of disk failure.

SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Servers

All semi-dedicated server accounts that we offer are created on a cloud platform that employs only SSD drives. We do not use HDDs anymore, so your websites will load amazingly quickly as we use SSDs for each part of the service - files, databases and e-mails. Considering that some users may host sites that are more frequently visited than others, we also use numerous drives for caching. Our system identifies any content which is loaded more often and duplicates it on these drives in order to load it from them. This configuration is used for load-balancing purposes as we guarantee that several reading/writing intensive websites will not influence the performance of the rest of the sites which are stored on the same main drive. Using caching drives also raises the lifespan of the main storage SSDs and reduces the potential for disk failures.